What is your favorite time of the day?

We all have favorite time of the day. Perhaps you love the night time or the noon time. We pick our favorite time because we feel that we are connected to it to some extent.

Personally, I love dawn time around 4:00 AM to 5:00 or so. I so love it to the point of waking up early and head outside of the house to feel the cold air, listen to the silence of the surrounding and meditate a lot of things. I can feel hope when I wake up early. It refreshes me and motivates me to start new things. :) :D 

I always believed dawn is the best time to pray. Thank God for the blessings and pray for protection for the rest of the day.
Source: http://www.shootingstarlogbook.com/
I will have to work on my schedule so that I can really enjoy this blessing. How about you? What is your favorite time of the day?
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About John Paulin

John Paulin is a blog enthusiast. He knows a little bit of programming and a little bit of designing. He founded Mashupdate.com. Click here to know more about him.

2 (mga) komento :

  1. I totally agree with you! I love that time of the day as well. Fresh cold air... brand new start... and a dramatic sky...who doesn't love sunrise? :)
